Part of Speech
Noun - A word names a person, place, or thing
- example: pen,dog,teacher,John...
Pronouns - Is a word that is used in place of a noun.
- example: I, it, you, we, him, she, everyone, someone..
Verb - A word which shows action or verb of being.
- example: She was singing in a bathroom.
Adverb - Is used to describe a word, adjective or adverb
- example: very , badly, really
Adjectives - Is used to describe a noun.
- example: red, big, interesting, good, well.
Prepositions - Is used to links a noun to another word.
- example: to, at, after, on ,but.
Conjunction - Is used to joins clauses or sentence or words.
- example: and, but, when, though.
Interjection - Is used to express some sudden feeling or emotional outburst, usually written with an
exclamation mark(!)
- example: oh! ah! hoorai!
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