Saturday, April 30, 2011

Martial Arts Ninjutsu

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        Ninjutsu is the practised art of the Ninja. Ninjutsu is a Japanese martial art that emphasizes stealth in movement and camouflage. Ninjas were a group of mercenaries in feudal Japan who were trained in stealth and the martial arts and employed as spies, saboteurs, or assassins.

The two oldest styles of Ninjutsu that are still practiced today are Iga Ryu and Koga Ryu. Ninja are skilled in a variety of martial arts including Judo, Jujutsu and swordsmanship. Ninja use a shorter sword than the Samurai and prefer to carry it strapped to their back. As well as these martial arts they are skilled in a variety of Ninja weapons - such as the shuriken (throwing star), throwing knives, stick fighting, and chain arts.

The Ninja originally were also experts at disguise and concealment, which enabled them to gather information or act as assassins for Japanese warlords. This was work that others, such as the Samurai - who were bound by their strict code of Bushido - were reluctant to perform.

Ninjutsu went through an incredible boom period in the mid eighties due to the emergence of famous Ninjutsu instructors, such as Stephen Hayes. Ninjutsu still remains popular the world over.

Origin of Ninjutsu: Japan

Ninjutsu founded: Around 900 years ago

Popularised by: Dr Masaaki Hatsumi, 34th grandmaster of Togakure Ryu Ninjutsu and Stephen Hayes

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