Friday, December 24, 2010

About Hotel Management

Hotel Management as a Career Option

Hotel management is one of the most interesting career options in the contemporary job market. Career training from a recognized and reputed hotel management institute is just an icing on the cake.These hotel management courses make one aware of the operating-sections of the hotel industry like front office, general operations, sales and marketing, food and beverage, service keeping and catering. 

Hotel Management Course Scope

Hotel management job opportunities exists both in the private and public sector. One can look for various openings available in the hotels of the nation. Most of the hotels in India offer lucrative pay packages to the suitable candidates. The jobs offered are satisfying as well as highly rewarding. 

Hospitality management is the academic study of the hospitality industry. A degree in Hospitality management is often conferred from either a university college dedicated to the studies of hospitality management or a business school with a department in hospitality management studies. Degrees in hospitality management may also be referred to as hotel management, hotel and tourism management, or hotel administration. Degrees conferred in this academic field include Bachelors of Arts, Bachelors of Business Administration, Bachelors of Science, Masters of Science, MBA, and Doctorate of Philosophy.
Hospitality management studies provides a focus on management of hospitality operations including hotels, restaurants, cruise ships,amusement parks, destination marketing organizations, convention centers, country clubs, and related industries.

The Worry Tree: A Useful and Warm-Hearted Story

Paresh, an Indian carpenter I once hired to help me restore my old farmhouse had just finished a difficult and hard first day on the job. A flat tyre on his lorry made him lose an hour of work, his electric saw packed in, and now his ancient pickup truck refused to start. While I drove him home, Paresh sat in stony, thoughtful silence.
On arriving, Paresh, in the way of all Indian gentlefolk, invited me in to meet his family. As we walked toward the front door, he paused briefly at a small tree, touching the tips of the branches with both hands. 
When opening the door to his home, he underwent an amazing transformation. His tanned face wreathed in smiles and he hugged his two small children and gave his wife a kiss.
After a cup of tea, he walked me to my car. We passed the tree and my curiosity got the better of me. I asked him about what I had seen him do earlier.
'Oh, that's my trouble tree,' Paresh replied. 'I know I can't help having troubles on the job, but one thing for sure, troubles don't belong in the house with my wife and the children. So I just hang them on the tree every night when I come home. Then in the morning I pick them up again. Funny thing is', he smiled winningly, 'when I come out in the morning to pick them up, there aren't nearly as many as I remember hanging up the night before.'

The Best Places In Malaysia

                                   Genting Highland

Genting Highlands is similar to Las Vegas. It is the sole place in Malaysia where gambling is allowed. There are also amusement parks here where children can enjoy rides. In addition, Genting Highlands is an extremely popular place. It offers several hotels, rides, shows, shopping areas, and other great facilities. And in fact, in 2008, it has attracted almost twenty million visitors.

All the casinos in Genting are open daily for twenty-four hours. However, one must be above twenty-one years old to be able to enter the premises. There is also a dress code that prohibits t-shirts, sandals, and shorts. And drinks can not be bought inside. Photography in casinos is prohibited, as well. Then, table games such as roulette and baccarat, as well as, slot machines are available. The Monte Carlo Casino is the largest casino here. It even offers some video poker machines. And foreign visitors may enter the VIP International Room if they sign up for a WorldCard. Nonetheless, Hollywood Casino and StarWorld Casino are two other Genting favorite spots. Then again, theme parks are the other attractions here. Genting Outdoor Theme Park is the ideal place for children. Numerous rides are also accessible in the First World Indoor Theme Park.

But the visitors may also go to the First World Plaza which is supposed to be Malaysia’s highest mall. Or they can visit other attractions such as Cradle Rock, Chin Swee Caves Temple, The Visitors’ Galleria, and Genting Strawberry Farm. They can shop around the First World Plaza, too, if they want to find the coolest and the greatest items. And as for food, they may try a nasi lemak meal from Marybrown. The lor mee, the fried kway teow, and the hot prawn noodle soup may be tried at Penang Food Village. And the Wagyu steak is a must-try at The Olive. Furthermore, cafés and a few bars may be enjoyed, as well.

The Best Places In The World

                                       Victoria Falls

The Victoria Falls is one of the seven natural wonders in the world and is the main tourist attraction in Southern Africa. It is the largest waterfall in the world, twice as tall as Niagra Falls. The locals call it Mosi-oa-Tunya which means “the smoke that thunders”, a very fitting description of this magnificent sight.

What to do:
Besides viewing the Victoria Falls, there are many fun activities catering to people from different walks of life.
• Bungee Jumping – a 111 meter high jump is sure to get your adrenaline rushing.
• Whitewater rafting – Victoria Falls is rated as one of the best places in the world to go whitewater rafting.
• Body Boarding – if you think whitewater rafting is exciting, wait till you try traversing the Zambezi River on a body board.
• High Wire – definitely not for the faint hearted. Experience a bird’s eye view of the gorge and the river either through the Gorge swing or Helicopter flips.
• Lion Walking – If you think you’re brave enough, walk with one of the top predators on the planet. No cages or leashes; just you and the lions in their natural habitat. You will also learn about conservation issues regarding the undisputed king of the jungle.
If you prefer more tame activities, there are a lot available in Victoria Falls.
• Kayaking – Experience the peaceful side of the Victoria Falls.
• River Cruise – View the amazing variety of wildlife as you cruise the river.
• Elephant Rides – Take a ride on the biggest land mammal on the planet.
• African Safari – You can’t say you’ve been to Africa if you haven’t gone to the safari.
• Fly fishing – The Zambezi River is teeming with aquatic wildlife.

The Best Hotel In the World

One of the most instantly recognizable hotels in the world, the iconic Burj Al Arab tower rises 321 metres above Jumeirah Beach Hotel and Wild Wadi Water Park. This unique sail-shaped building is situated on a man-made island some 280m offshore, linked to the mainland by a curving causeway. Despite its size, the Burj Al Arab holds just 27 double-storey floors which accommodate 202 bedroom suites ranging in sizes from 170 square meters for the One Bedroom Deluxe suite to 780 square meters for the stunning Royal suite.

The interior design is as impressive as the exterior. Inspired by earth, air, fire and water Khuan Chew, of KCA International, used a vibrant colour palette including 1,590 metres of 24-carat gold leaf to embellish the incredible interior. At 180 metres, the world's tallest atrium is abundant in warm, natural light and flanked by golden columns and a central fountain where arches of water burst over 42 metres into the air

An engineering masterpiece on many levels - the facade in particular represented an astonishing technical challenge, featuring a double-skinned Teflon-coated woven glass fibre screen - it is the first time such technology has been used vertically in such form and extent in any building worldwide. It is dazzling white by day and used as a canvas for a rainbow of spectacular light displays at night, providing a brilliant entrance to the marvels that await the guest inside. Combining the latest technology with a long-standing reputation for the ultimate Arabian hospitality, Burj Al Arab symbolizes the very essence of Dubai, embracing the best of the new alongside traditions of the past.
The Burj Al Arab is quite simply one of the most stunning and unique luxury hotels ever built. 

the best hotel in Malaysia

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This is the Sheraton Imperial Hotel  in 1990. the faclities of this hotel is  swimming pool, bar, sauna, room service, baby sitting service,banquet facilities, laundry services and so on. guests can enjoy 2 restaurants namely Villa Danieli Restaurant that serves Italian cuisine with rich italian decor and Celestial Court Restaurant, while serves Chinese cuisine. This hotel also connected to city attracttions such as Jalan Masjid India, Starhill Gallery and Pavilion Mall.Guests are offered a choice of 385 well-appointed accommodation units, which are fully furnished with fine interiors. Standard amenities provided in all units are air-conditioner, internat access, mini bar, and telephone.

My Feeling Right now

hahahaha.....Reunion is coming...ooooo...After 2 years, I will see my friend again.....not excited actually cause i'm still gonna sit for my final exam....And what''s sucks....I don't  like it anywhere..did i really want to work in hospitality....huh...I just hope before this year end..let something miracle come to's really stupid when you post something in english and ur english is seems like u are talking to crazy people..that's what i feel right now...aaaaahhhhhhh!!!......shouting like a monkey or singing like's 7 hours before christmas...what should I do? wish for this year...let the spa take me work with them...heheeheheh......I just wondering why my friend so excited to go back their "Kampong".....there's nothing in kampong.....I know cuz I'm in kampong right now...boring....just waiting till this day turn into night....and then....waiting till the clock show 12.00 am...sleep...what a ..... hahahhahahahahahhaahhah....k lah...the time right now already's better for me to get a bath....time to go mass for christmas eve mass....huh...yeah......

Thursday, December 23, 2010


I am the beginning of the end, and the end of time and space. I am essential to creation, and I surround every place. What am I?

What always runs but never walks, often murmurs, never talks, has a bed but never sleeps, has a mouth but never eats?

At night they come without being fetched. By day they are lost without being stolen. What are they?

There was a green house. Inside the green house there was a white house. Inside the white house there was a red house. Inside the red house there were lots of babies. What is it?

The one who makes it, sells it. The one who buys it, never uses it. The one that uses it never knows that he's using it. What is it?

The more you have of it, the less you see. What is it?

What's black when you get it, red when you use it, and white when you're all through with it?

I am always hungry,
I must always be fed,
The finger I touch,
Will soon turn red


1. the letters E.
2. River
3. the stars.
4. watermelon.
5. A coffin
6. Darkness
7. Charcoal.
8. Fire

About me.

My name is Maxwell
I am 19 years old.
My birthday is 7 of march.
I am from penampang.
I am Cosmopoint student.
My course is Hotel Management.
My japanese class begin at 2.00 pm until 4.00pm.

In Japanese

Watashi wa Maxwell desu.
Watashi wa ju-kyu sai desu.
Watashi no tanjobi wa san-getsu nanoka desu.
Watashi wa Penampang kara kimashita.
Watashi wa cosmopoint no gakusei desu.
Watashi no senko wa Hoteru Kanri desu.
Watashi no nihon go no benkyo wa gogo ni-ji kara yo-ji.

Axe Murder Hollow....

Susan and Ned were driving through a wooded empty section of highway. Lightning flashed, thunder roared, the sky went dark in the torrential downpour.      “We’d better stop,”  said Susan.       Ned nodded his head in agreement. He stepped on the brake, and suddenly the car started to slide on the slick pavement. They plunged off the road and slid to a halt at the bottom of an incline.     Pale and shaking, Ned quickly turned to check if Susan was all right.  When she nodded, Ned relaxed and looked through the rain soaked windows. 
     “I’m going to see how bad it is,” he told Susan, and when out into the storm. She saw his blurry figure in the headlight, walking around the front of the car. A moment later, he jumped in beside her, soaking wet.       “The car’s not badly damaged, but we’re wheel-deep in mud,” he said. “I’m going to have to go for help.”      Susan swallowed nervously. There would be no quick rescue here. He told her to turn off the headlights and lock the doors until he returned.      Axe Murder Hollow. Although Ned hadn’t said the name aloud, they both knew what he had been thinking when he told her to lock the car.  This was the place where a man had once taken an axe and hacked his wife to death in a jealous rage over an alleged affair. Supposedly, the axe-wielding spirit of the husband continued to haunt this section of the road.      Outside the car, Susan heard a shriek, a loud thump, and a strange gurgling noise. But she couldn’t see anything in the darkness.      Frightened, she shrank down into her seat. She sat in silence for a while, and then she noticed another sound.  Bump. Bump. Bump.  It was a soft sound, like something being blown by the wind.       Suddenly, the car was illuminated by a bright light.  An official sounding voice told her to get out of the car. Ned must have found a police officer.  Susan unlocked the door and stepped out of the car.  As her eyes adjusted to the bright light, she saw it.      Hanging by his feet from the tree next to the car was the dead body of Ned.  His bloody throat had been cut so deeply that he was nearly decapitated. The wind swung his corpse back and forth so that it thumped against the tree. Bump. Bump. Bump.     Susan screamed and ran toward the voice and the light. As she drew close, she realized the light was not coming from a flashlight. Standing there was the glowing figure of a man with a smile on his face and a large, solid, and definitely real axe in his hands. She backed away from the glowing figure until she bumped into the car.        “Playing around when my back was turned,” the ghost whispered, stroking the sharp blade of the axe with his fingers. “You’ve been very naughty.”      The last thing she saw was the glint of the axe blade in the eerie, incandescent light.

Assignment 4


       After i read about Nick Vujicic, i found that his life was so tough. I cannot imagine how he grow up without limbs and legless with two small feet. It was so hard to learn anything if you have no arms or hands, but he manage to become a graduate student with a double major. He was so patient and he encourage himself to do the best for his life although he know that he is not normal like the others. Nick know that no one is perfect in this world. The one who achieve greatest thing in their life should work harder to get it, maybe these phrase teach him to become more confident to reach what he want for his life. Besides that, he also helps those who dealing with a severe disability to continued their life by giving talks based on his experience and helps them to understand how meaningful their life. Nick was an inspiration to all and he is so amazing. Nick also believe in God eventhough he was birth unnormally. One thing that make me impressed with him is how he can swim without a hands and with just to small feet...Amazingly....


A young punker gets on the cross-town bus. He's got spiked, multi-colored hair that's green, purple and orange. His clothes are a tattered mix of rags, his legs are bare and he's without shoes. His face and ears are riddled with pierced jewelry and his earrings are big bright feathers. 

He sits down in the only vacant seat, directly across from an old man who just glares at him for about ten miles. Finally the punk gets self conscious and spits at the old man: "What 'er you starin' at you old fart, didn't you ever do anything wild when you were young?!" 

Without missing a beat the old man replies: "Yeah. Back when I was in the Navy I got real drunk in Singapore and screwed a parrot. I thought maybe you was my son."

Assignment 3

Simple Present Tense - Something that not yet happen or xsz]\\

pening now (things that happen at the moment.
                                  a) - To show an action happening now
                                      - She going to the market to buy some food.
                                  b) - For a habitual or repeated action.
                                      - He comes every day
                                      - I sleep every night.
                                  c) - To state a fact or general truth.
                                      - The world is round.
                                      - We eat to live.

Simple Past Tense - Something that already happened.qq
                             a) - To show something that happened in the past.
                                 - He broke his leg yesterday.
                             b) - To express an action wholly completed in the past.
                                 - They sang and danced all night.
                             c) - Is used to speak politely.
                                 - could you please do thir for me.

Simple Futere Tense - Used to state  something that will happen or not happen.
                                - I shall (will) do it tomorrow.

Present Continuous Tense - To express action which is not yet complete.
                                       a) - To state that an action is still going on at the time of speaking.
                                           - example: he is writing a letter.
                                                            It is raining still.
                                      b) - Instead of the future tense
                                          - I am going to America next week.

Assignment 2

Comparatives - Relating to, based on, or involving comparison
                      - example: better, sweeter,more beautiful,more softly

Superlatives - Something of the highest possible excellence
                   - example: most beautiful, most brightly, biggest.

Assignment 1

Part of Speech

Noun - A word names a person, place, or thing
         - example: pen,dog,teacher,John...

Pronouns - Is a word that is used in place of a noun.
               - example: I, it, you, we, him, she, everyone, someone..

Verb - A word which shows action or verb of being.
         - example: She was singing in a bathroom.

Adverb - Is used to describe a word, adjective or adverb
            - example: very , badly, really

Adjectives - Is used to describe a noun.
                 - example: red, big, interesting, good, well.

Prepositions - Is used to links a noun to another word.
                   - example: to, at, after, on ,but.

Conjunction - Is used to joins clauses or sentence or words.
                   - example: and, but, when, though.

Interjection - Is used to express some sudden feeling or emotional outburst, usually written with an  
                    exclamation mark(!)
                 - example: oh! ah! hoorai!