Friday, December 24, 2010

My Feeling Right now

hahahaha.....Reunion is coming...ooooo...After 2 years, I will see my friend again.....not excited actually cause i'm still gonna sit for my final exam....And what''s sucks....I don't  like it anywhere..did i really want to work in hospitality....huh...I just hope before this year end..let something miracle come to's really stupid when you post something in english and ur english is seems like u are talking to crazy people..that's what i feel right now...aaaaahhhhhhh!!!......shouting like a monkey or singing like's 7 hours before christmas...what should I do? wish for this year...let the spa take me work with them...heheeheheh......I just wondering why my friend so excited to go back their "Kampong".....there's nothing in kampong.....I know cuz I'm in kampong right now...boring....just waiting till this day turn into night....and then....waiting till the clock show 12.00 am...sleep...what a ..... hahahhahahahahahhaahhah....k lah...the time right now already's better for me to get a bath....time to go mass for christmas eve mass....huh...yeah......

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