Thursday, December 23, 2010

Assignment 3

Simple Present Tense - Something that not yet happen or xsz]\\

pening now (things that happen at the moment.
                                  a) - To show an action happening now
                                      - She going to the market to buy some food.
                                  b) - For a habitual or repeated action.
                                      - He comes every day
                                      - I sleep every night.
                                  c) - To state a fact or general truth.
                                      - The world is round.
                                      - We eat to live.

Simple Past Tense - Something that already happened.qq
                             a) - To show something that happened in the past.
                                 - He broke his leg yesterday.
                             b) - To express an action wholly completed in the past.
                                 - They sang and danced all night.
                             c) - Is used to speak politely.
                                 - could you please do thir for me.

Simple Futere Tense - Used to state  something that will happen or not happen.
                                - I shall (will) do it tomorrow.

Present Continuous Tense - To express action which is not yet complete.
                                       a) - To state that an action is still going on at the time of speaking.
                                           - example: he is writing a letter.
                                                            It is raining still.
                                      b) - Instead of the future tense
                                          - I am going to America next week.

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